How to Make an Automatic Source Link on Blogger

How to Make an Automatic Source Link on Blogger

How to Make an Automatic Source Link on Blogger
How to Make an Automatic Source Link on Blogger
Copas copying activities on Blogger has been considered to be a common thing, because copying articles from a site does not violate any provisions if just collecting material, information and other things. But what if someone copies your entire blog article to be duplicated without a source link?

Installing an automatic source link code when copied on a blog is one way that will give a warning to the composer of a blog article, that the article they are copying has a source and can appreciate a content by including the source link of the article.

How to Make an Automatic Source Link on Blogger

Open the Blogger dashboard > Click the Themes menu and Edit HTML > Then add this code right before </head>or can also be added before</body>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function copaslink(){var e,n=document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0],t=(e=window.getSelection())+("<br/><br/>Sumber : <a href='"+document.location.href+"'>"+document.location.href+"</a><br/>"),o=document.createElement("div");"absolute","-99999px",n.appendChild(o),o.innerHTML=t,e.selectAllChildren(o),window.setTimeout(function(){n.removeChild(o)},0)}document.oncopy=copaslink;

Change the text marked according to your wishes.
Once added, click the Save theme button and finish.

Now my friend has succeeded in Adding an Automatic Source Link on Blogger, the results can be seen when the contents of your blog article content are copied, it will bring up the source link automatically.

The following is an example of implementing Automatic Source Link, please copy and paste part of the text below. After copying and pasting the source link will appear later.

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I am a web designer and developer. Sharing knowledge is my passion and web designing is my interest but it is not bigger than my interest in Islam.